A groundbreaking formula that’s proven to improve health and milk production, giving cows an advantage from the inside out.

MYLO® means more milk.
Research shows when lactating cows are fed MYLO®, they maintain their health, body weight and produce more milk.
MYLO® is an easy-to-use liquid feed supplement for dairy calves and cows that contains a specialised selection and blend of live microbes. These microbes have a massive impact on the development and function of the animal’s gut (rumen and intestinal system), improving health and productivity.
The productivity benefits seen with MYLO® means it is cost-effective. Return on investment data shows an annual benefit of up to $500 per cow net of MYLO® costs*
*(based on 10% increase in milk yield and a milk price of $8/kg MS)
Looking for a product that gets results?
MYLO® benefits for cows
- Increase body weight by up to 21%
- Produce up to 10.1% more milk
- Better immunity and more resilience
- Better feed digestion and nutrient absorption
- Lessen mastitis management and health costs
- Improve fertility
MYLO® benefits for farmers
- Up to $500 annual net benefit per cow
- Improved feed conversion
- Less labour
- Fewer days until cow goes on heat
- Lower animal health costs
- 7.5 per cent reduction in methane emissions
- Easy to use
Science proves it works.
We made a scientific breakthrough, identifying and combining specific strains of Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus buchneri and Lactobacillus paracasei, which are scientifically proven to improve cow health and productivity. Our research has been conducted with university partners and through real-world case studies.

The technology and innovation behind MYLO®.
MYLO® is made with AmpliBoost® technology and innovation. This is Terragen’s proprietary intellectual property for developing world-leading biological products.
How to apply Mylo®
Making MYLO® part of your daily cow feed regime is simple. It’s a liquid formula which mixes easily with daily feed rations.
Simply add MYLO® to the animal’s existing daily feed system with our free pump. You can also add the feed supplement to a cow’s diet by pouring it onto hard feed, or via mixer wagons. For milkers, best results happen when MYLO® is added from lead feeding and throughout lactation at a base rate of 10mL per cow per day.
Make sure the product is stored at ambient temperature, away from direct sunlight, in a well-ventilated space. Shelf life is 6 months from production date.
MYLO® is suitable for both calves and cows. The effects are different for each.
MYLO® is FAMI-QS certified
FAMI-QS is a globally recognised accreditation scheme that ensures specialised feed supplement safety. The Code of Practice, led by the FIAAA (Feed Ingredients and Additives Association of Australia), covers requirements on good manufacturing processes, hazard control and quality assurance.
This accreditation is testament to Terragen’s optimal bioprocessing and product quality standards. Our team aim to ensure our products are safe to use and are of the highest standard throughout the whole process, from manufacturing to being delivered to the customer.
The FAMI-QS certification ensures the feed additives you use are ones you can trust.